Tag: <span>Oral Health</span>


How Flossing Is A Key Ingredient To Overall Hygiene

Daily brushing and flossing are two known parts of proper oral hygiene. However, regular flossing also has a positive effect on your overall health. Since the mouth is the door to your body, it is important to take care of your teeth. Here are a few reasons flossing should be part of your general hygiene...


The Importance of Proper Dental Care During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, a mom-to-be visits her gynecologist regularly. It is also important for her to consider her oral health. Statistically, mothers with gum disease have an elevated risk of giving birth early or having a baby with a low birth weight. As hormones change, other problems may develop as well. It is essential to understand...


Foods to Avoid For Good Oral Health

Home oral care and regular dental visits are important for oral health. However, you should also avoid a number of foods and beverages that can be harmful to your teeth. Carbonated Beverages. Even if you have avoided regular soft drinks due to the high sugar content, take dental tips a step further and do not drink...


Manual Versus Electric Toothbrushes

An essential part of dental care is choosing the best toothbrush. There are both electric and traditional versions, but it is important to understand the differences. A good brush keeps teeth clean and healthy. Manual Toothbrushes Manual toothbrushes are quite common and bring many advantages. These items are inexpensive and get the job done. They...


How To: Prevent An Abscessed Tooth

An abscessed tooth can be uncomfortable, and can cause further oral health problems. Although an abscessed tooth can be treated, it is better to take steps to prevent it. What Is An Abscessed Tooth? An abscess is caused by a bacterial infection. While gums can become abscessed, tooth abscess develops inside a tooth. The best...


How Dental Bridges Can Restore Your Smile

When your teeth are not in perfect condition, it can ruin your smile. There are a number of dental tips for missing teeth. One option is a dental bridge. Dental Bridges Mean Nicer Smiles: Gaps in your mouth from missing teeth spoil your otherwise nice appearance. While one missing tooth can often be corrected with...


Oral Allergy Syndrome

We have officially made it through Winter! Daily temperatures are warming up, and soon we’ll be in the full swing of Spring. While all of us are thankful for comfortable weather, some people will soon be facing allergy season. If you have allergies and experience an itchy mouth and throat, along with itchy eyes and...


Foods That Can Improve Your Oral Health

Brushing and flossing twice daily is not enough to keep our mouths healthy. While these routines can contribute to a lower risk of gum disease and cavity formation, we have to provide our body with proper nourishment as well because a proper diet and oral health are symbiotic. There are many kinds of food and...