Veneers – Porcelain Veneers

Veneers – Porcelain Veneers

Do you have an unsightly chip, crack, stain or gap in your teeth? Porcelain veneers can fix those issues and restore your smile.

Porcelain veneers are wafer-thin shells of ceramic material that are bonded to the front of the teeth. They are custom fit to match your teeth’s size, shape, color, and overall appearance.

Veneers are an ideal choice for masking discolorations, whitening teeth and reshaping a smile. However, please note that severely decayed and damaged teeth cannot support veneers.

Another option to restore your smile is composite bonding. Composite veneers are made of a resin that is shaped and bonded to your tooth to enhance the appearance. They do not resist staining as well as porcelain veneers and may not last as long, either.

Getting Veneers
Getting your custom-fitted porcelain veneers is an easy, two-appointment procedure.

At your first appointment, we will remove a thin layer of enamel from the top level of your teeth. This step helps the veneers bond evenly to the surface so they look and feel natural. It also allows us to create an impression for our lab to fabricate your custom veneers.

We will give you temporary veneers to wear home. Once we receive your permanent veneers from the lab, we’ll bring you back into our office to fit and bond them onto your teeth, giving you an instant improvement in your smile!

Veneer FAQ

What are the advantages of dental veneers?
In addition to vastly improving the appearance of your teeth, veneers also preserve the most amount of tooth structure since very little needs to be removed. The color can be custom-selected to give you the smile of your dreams. Porcelain veneers are stain resistant.
What are the disadvantages of dental veneers?
Once your tooth has been prepared for the veneer, the process is not reversible. If a veneer cracks, it is difficult to repair without replacing the entire veneer. You must have healthy gums to receive veneers. And, if you grind or clench your teeth, you could chip or crack your veneers. Wearing a mouthguard at night can help with that. Finally, you need to maintain at-home brushing and flossing and visit us regularly for cleanings and exams. Veneers are treated just like natural teeth.
How long do dental veneers last?
Typically, a veneer can last up to 10 years with proper at-home and professional care.
How many veneers do I need?
It is a good idea to have an even number of veneers to give the best aesthetic results. Many people choose to get 12 – 6 upper, 6 lower – to cover all visible teeth when they smile.
How much do veneers cost?
The cost of porcelain veneers varies depending on the material you choose and on how many teeth will receive them.
Are veneers covered under insurance?
Some insurance companies will cover part of the cost. Check with your insurance company before you opt to get veneers. Also, discuss with us your financing options to cover full or partial costs.
Is the veneer process painful?
We’ll numb you for the procedure, of course. After the numbness wears off, you may have some brief and slight discomfort that can be alleviated with over-the-counter pain medications.