Category: <span>Dental Tips</span>


What is a Cavity?

What is a cavity? A cavity is actually decaying that occurs within a tooth’s structure. It begins in the outer enamel. When it is left to worsen, severe damage may occur. In this instance, a root canal may be necessary, or the entire tooth may need to be pulled. Why Do You Get Cavities? Tooth...


Back to Basics: Back-to-School

As we prepare for a new school year, we should not dismiss the importance of oral health. We can all prepare our kids with back to school basics to help them stay healthy. Encourage Oral Care The ideal time to buy your child a new set of oral care supplies is when you are buying...


Picture Perfect Pediatrics: School Picture Time

One of the most exciting events in a new school year is yearbook pictures. Kids from kindergarten through high school want pictures to share with their friends and family members. Your child’s perfect smile starts with oral health. The Perfect Time For A Dental Appointment The ideal time for a pediatric dentistry appointment is before...


How Cold Summer Treats Freeze Your Teeth

When you eat a cold summer treat, it cannot literally freeze your teeth. However, pain from sensitive teeth is one reason to consider avoiding ice cream and popsicles. What Are Sensitive Teeth? There are many possible causes of sensitive teeth. You may have worn enamel on one or more teeth, a fractured tooth, or cavities....


Why It’s Important to Choose the Right Dentist

Your dentist is a health care provider, similar to your personal physician. As you know the importance of choosing the right doctor, the same is true for your dentist. Are You Looking Forward To Your Next Dental Appointment? You may be surprised to learn how many adults do not visit the dentist unless they have...


5 Tips for A Glowing Smile

Your smile is a very important component of your appearance. Having healthy teeth can raise your self-esteem. To maintain your pearly whites, it is essential to follow a solid dental hygiene routine. Here are five tips that will keep your smile glowing. 1. Replace your Toothbrush Regularly. Your toothbrush is an essential part of your...


Tips For Properly Flossing

Besides brushing, flossing must be part of your everyday dental care routine. However, it is only effective at keeping your mouth healthy if it is done correctly. It is essential to learn some essential flossing tips so that your teeth and gums remain as healthy as possible. The Correct Way to Floss: The American Dental...


Post Op Care Dental Tips

It can be tempting to make New Year’s resolutions for everything we hope to accomplish. As most of us know, resolutions do not always work out. A better approach is to make lifestyle changes that will result in dental health. Improve Your Diet Look at the foods you consume every day. When you think of...


Dental Care and Self-Confidence

Whenever you brush and floss, choose healthy foods, and have your teeth cleaned at the dentist’s office, you are taking steps toward dental health and self-confidence. There is more you can do to improve your teeth, and be confident in your appearance. Dental Care Tips: Cosmetic Dentistry You have more self-confidence when your teeth look...


Tips To Keep Teeth and Gums Healthy

You can smile with confidence when your teeth and gums are healthy. Some dental tips can help you achieve and maintain oral health. Improve Your Diet. There are some products you should avoid for healthy gums and teeth. Some of the most common examples include sugary products, sticky foods, and acidic foods and beverages. For healthy...