Tag: <span>oral care</span>


Teeth Whitening For Wedding White Teeth

The summer is right around the corner, which means wedding season will soon be in full swing. As a bride, it is important to start thinking about your teeth before your big day. There are numerous whitening kits available, but it is a smarter idea to consult with your dentist. What is Involved with Teeth...


Flossing Is A Key Ingredient To Everyday Oral Hygiene

Flossing more than just something that a person does to be extra clean; it is a necessity in appropriating oral care. Oral hygiene is compromised when a person fails to floss daily. Not only is oral hygiene compromised, but also the patient breaches overall dental health. Fortunately, dental patients can avoid decay and poor dental...


Are My Gums Receding? And Why?

It is a common myth that gum recession is a natural part of aging. Receding gums can be prevented. Why Do You Have Receding Gums? Receding gums are usually connected to poor oral care. When plaque is allowed to build up, the gums become damaged. The gum tissue is lowered, and tooth roots are exposed....


Five Reasons Why You May Have A Dry Mouth

Dry mouth syndrome is otherwise called xerostomia. This condition does not only cause physical discomfort but is also a key factor in the development of dental caries. According to the ADA, it is not a disease, but rather, a symptom of one. Here are 5 reasons why someone might have this condition. Medication Side Effect...


Apps For Healthy Teeth

These days, there are apps for everything. A vast majority of people use smart technology for communication and learning information, including how to maintain positive oral health. Here are a few dental apps that can help you and your children keep your teeth healthy. Disney Magic Timer. It can be challenging to get your small children...


Is It Better To Brush With Warm Or Cool Water?

Everyone brushes their teeth as part of a normal oral care routine. However, people tend to use cool tap water on their brushes. Since hot water is associated with deep cleaning, it is important to examine whether it is better for dental health to use hot or cold water during this task. According to dental...


Skin Cancer Can Affect More Than Just Skin

Skin cancer is an extremely common condition in the United States, but it is curable with early detection. Although it may not be your first instinct, visiting your dentist can be a smart way to prevent this disease. Besides providing oral care, a dentist can play a vital role in cancer prevention. Common Types of...


7 New Tips To Prevent Gum Disease

Everyone knows the importance of home oral care and professional dental cleanings. However, you may not be aware of some new tips that can help prevent gum disease. 1. Exchange your manual toothbrush for an electric toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes are more effective. They remove more bacteria and plaque. 2. Keep your mouth moist by chewing...


5 Tips To Start Kids On The Road To Flossing

The American Dental Association has named February as “National Children’s Dental Health Month.” During this time, it is a great idea to begin your kids on the road to positive oral health. Here are five smart tips to get your child flossing each day. 1. Teach Children About the Positives of Flossing Young children learn...


How To: Prevent Headaches By Taking Care of Your Mouth

Headaches are some of the most common pains experienced on a daily basis. In certain cases, the discomfort can be debilitating. To live a better quality of life, it is essential to uncover how to end the agony. Some of the most common causes of headaches are found in the mouth. Dental health has a...