Be Aware of Halloween Candy & Cavities

Girl dressed as princess trick or treating You want your children to enjoy Halloween, but you are concerned about their oral health. Not all Halloween candy is alike. When you know which candies are more likely to cause cavities, your children can have healthy teeth after they trick-or-treat.

Candies to Watch Out for This Halloween:

Sticky Candies | Sticky candy clings to the teeth. It allows bacteria and sugar to break down the child’s tooth enamel. Gummy candies and caramels are two examples.
Sour Candies | Tooth enamel can be weakened if your child eats these acidic candies. Sour balls are a popular example.
Hard Candies | The acids and sugar in hard candy remain in your child’s mouth if he sucks on the candy. If he chews or bites it, it can break a tooth.
Powdered Candies | Powdered candies are not harmless, either. If your child pours it into his mouth, the sugar can encourage bacteria. The bacteria can lead to tooth decay and cavities.
Chewy Candies | Chewy candies should be avoided, too. The ever-popular candy corn is one example. The sugar can remain in his mouth after he has swallowed the candy.

Is Any Halloween Candy Safe For Your Child?

While you should limit your youngster’s Halloween treats, one of the safest candies is a plain chocolate bar. It is quickly eaten and easily swallowed, leaving less sugar in his mouth. You can do your neighbors a favor by choosing chocolate bars to pass out to the trick-or-treaters who come to your door.

After your child has had fun on Halloween night, remind him to floss and brush his teeth before bedtime. This includes your older kids who attend Halloween parties, as well as the youngsters who trick-or-treat in the evenings. When you know which candies to avoid, all of your kids can have a good time on Halloween, and their teeth will stay healthy.