Tag: <span>tips</span>


The Pros and Cons of an Electric Toothbrush

Many dentists recommend electric toothbrushes over old-fashioned manual toothbrushes. As there are both pros and cons to electric toothbrushes, some information can help you make a decision. Benefits of Electric Toothbrushes: The most important benefit of an electric toothbrush is it can do the most thorough job with the least amount of effort. When you...


The Link Between Diabetes and Your Oral Health

There are many ways oral health affects overall health. Poor oral health can increase your risk of numerous medical conditions. One issue you need to consider is the connection between oral health and diabetes. How Are Oral Health And Diabetes Connected? There are actually two connections between diabetes and oral health. First, poor oral health...


Teeth Whitening For Winter White Teeth

All the snowy decorations and memories of white Christmases may have you thinking bright thoughts. To add a winter white glow to your face, you may consider a teeth whitening procedure. This can be easily performed in your dentist’s office. Without hassle and in little time, you will enjoy a dramatically whiter smile. Dental Care...


5 Reasons To Be Thankful For A Healthy Mouth

During Thanksgiving, it is common to give thanks for your friends and family. It is also important to be thankful for your positive oral health. Even though many people take healthy teeth for granted, it is essential to understand why they are essential parts of life. 1. Increases Overall Health A healthy body begins with...


Tips To Avoid Tooth Decay

Tooth decay can destroy your smile. It may affect the outer enamel or penetrate deeper into the center dentin of a tooth. Without proper dental care, it may lead to tooth loss. To avoid these problems and maintain solid oral health, there are certain prevention tips that will keep decay to a minimum. Brush and...


Do You Snore? Your Snoring Solution Right Here

You may not realize the connection between sleep and your mouth. If you frequently wake up during the night or never feel refreshed in the morning, you should consider making an appointment with your dentist. With this expert’s help, you may be able to improve your sleep quality and prevent health problems. Approximately 60 million...


Tips To Avoid Chronic Gingivitis

Chronic gingivitis is caused by persistent inflammation of the gums and tissues that surround your teeth. According to the American Dental Association, this condition affects approximately 47 percent of adults over the age of 30 who live in the United States. When left untreated, tooth loss and infections are likely. Root planing and gum grafts...


Spooky Gums: Not A Healthy Halloween Trend

Halloween is a favorite holiday for children. It is a time for fun, friends, and tasty treats. As a parent, you are concerned about the effects Halloween treats can have on your child’s oral health. Your child can have a good time, yet keep his/her gums healthy. All Halloween Candy Is Not Created Equal. Whether...


Family Fun In Hilliard and Upper Arlington, Ohio In October

Fall is a beautiful time in Ohio, and the town of Hilliard has a wide variety of events and activities in which to participate. Below are five Hilliard attractions for adults and children of all ages: Heritage Trail Metro Park. The Heritage Trail Metro Park extends from Hilliard and Upper Arlington, Ohio, to the outskirts...


How Flossing Is A Key Ingredient To Overall Hygiene

Daily brushing and flossing are two known parts of proper oral hygiene. However, regular flossing also has a positive effect on your overall health. Since the mouth is the door to your body, it is important to take care of your teeth. Here are a few reasons flossing should be part of your general hygiene...