Tag: <span>oral health care</span>


What is a Cavity?

What is a cavity? A cavity is actually decaying that occurs within a tooth’s structure. It begins in the outer enamel. When it is left to worsen, severe damage may occur. In this instance, a root canal may be necessary, or the entire tooth may need to be pulled. Why Do You Get Cavities? Tooth...


Tips To Keep Teeth and Gums Healthy

You can smile with confidence when your teeth and gums are healthy. Some dental tips can help you achieve and maintain oral health. Improve Your Diet. There are some products you should avoid for healthy gums and teeth. Some of the most common examples include sugary products, sticky foods, and acidic foods and beverages. For healthy...


Back-to-School Dental Tips For Your Family

Schools today realize the importance of good health. Most schools no longer offer sugary desserts and treats to students. Unfortunately, while many products are nutritious, they are not all equally suited to dental health. When you pack your child’s lunches, start with some back to school tips. What Products Are Best For Your Child’s Teeth?...


Prevention Tips For An Abscessed Tooth

An abscessed tooth can be painful. If left untreated, the bacteria can be harmful to your dental health and your overall health. The wisest approach is to start with prevention tips so an abscess does not occur. What Causes An Abscessed Tooth? When you know the most common causes, it can be easier to prevent...