Tag: <span>whitening toothpaste</span>


How Long Does it Take for Teeth Whitening to Work?

We all want to have pearly-white teeth to show off, but, unfortunately, there are also many causes of teeth staining that affect our smiles. That’s where teeth whitening comes in to help. Some of us have yellow teeth or stains on our teeth from our lifestyle or diet. With all the stains and discoloration, you...


What is the Best Teeth Whitening Option for Me?

Visiting a dentist to whiten your teeth is an easy way to brighten your smile. Whitening can also be accomplished through a take-home treatment option. Using a specialized whitening toothpaste or trying these take-home whitening trays can supplement your regular oral health routine and create bright results.  Below are the details of some of these...


What Types of Whitening Treatments Are Available?

When your teeth are white, you may look younger and healthier. As there are different methods for teeth whitening, there is no reason to hesitate. You can be on your way to a confident smile.   In-Office Whitening An effective, easy approach is to ask your dentist to whiten your teeth in his office. This...