Tag: <span>Custom Mouth Guards</span>


Am I Grinding My Teeth at Night?

While most of us put our best foot forward when it comes to cultivating healthy habits, what about ones that develop while we sleep? Often these habits can develop and become firmly entrenched before we even start to develop noticeable symptoms during waking life. Bruxism, more commonly known as teeth grinding is one such issue....


Back to Basics: Back-to-School

As we prepare for a new school year, we should not dismiss the importance of oral health. We can all prepare our kids with back to school basics to help them stay healthy. Encourage Oral Care The ideal time to buy your child a new set of oral care supplies is when you are buying...


The Purposes of Mouth Guards

A mouth guard can protect your oral health, as well as your overall health. It is definitely a versatile appliance to discuss with your dentist. What Is A Mouth Guard? There are different types of mouth guards and each has a purpose. The first is a mouth guard used for sports and other activities. Athletes are highly recommended, if not...


How To Care For Mouthguards

Mouthguards for youth sports are only useful if they are in good condition. Some tips can keep your mouthguard effective and long-lasting. 1. Each time you remove the mouthguard after using it, it needs to be cleaned. It can be cleaned with your regular toothpaste and toothbrush. Scrub it gently to remove residue and bacteria....